Archive for July 22, 2007

The Virginity Mystique

GREAT ARTICLE: The Virginity Mystique in The Nation
my fav highlights:

“Most retro about the call for modesty is that it once again implies that women’s actions are somehow responsible for men’s. Since men simply cannot control themselves, poor things, women should shroud their bodies in cloth and desperately guard their virginity so as to quash men’s dishonorable intentions.”

“You have to be living under a rock not to notice that casual sex, once an expression of a subversive impulse, is now certifiably pop culture.”

“What the hookup culture does reveal is an unconscious impulse to somehow redefine sex for our current cultural climate.”

“Regardless of the (sometimes harmful) results of one-night stands or sex before high school, these women are looking to experiment, to find a contrast to immediate, eternal companionship”

“The culture has not yet carved out a space for women to indulge their own fantasies rather than to fulfill those of men.Feminism has not finished its job; a version of nonmushy, nonmarital sex that makes women feel good about themselves is still hard to achieve.”

“It takes maturity and self-awareness, but many women take sexual mistakes in stride while still feeling ultimately satisfied with their sex (and, yes, love) lives. Forced expectations, whether the pressure to be sexual or the pressure to be chaste, always hurts. ”

“Sex is the ultimate risk, a risk that makes human relationships complicated, intoxicating and wonderful. It is a risk that women are finally allowed to take without being chastised for it. “

July 22, 2007 at 5:35 am Leave a comment

the hand-job protest song

i think this video confirms what i have always believed: why do something if that person can do it better for themselves??? plus, who wants to risk breaking a nail, right?

July 22, 2007 at 5:20 am Leave a comment

news for 7.22.07

*what if stars like jennifer aniston (above), pam anderson and john travolta were normal people? ya, they’d look pretty bad fat and balding…

* u’d think by now people would get that the internet really is just for porn. so is it at all surprising that Nigerian schoolchildren who received laptops from U.S. aid organizations are using them to surf nudie sites?

* drinking and dating guide. seriously. filed with tidbits like: tequila is good for redheads, jagermeister for gals still living in places where it’s acceptable to wear greek letters, scotch for trannies and long island’s for those who have appeared on episodes of Blind Date

* nation’s first holistic, hospital-based sexual medicine center opens in san diego

*quiz – could you be president?

* i love hbo. the most sexually explicit scripted drama ever comes to the network this fall! think real sex meets fiction!

* i love new zealand. heroism rewarded with beer. brazilant!

*dumbasses – group wants guns allowed on santa fe and uf campuses. r u kidding me?!?!?

July 22, 2007 at 5:15 am 2 comments

naked on university avenue:

a gainesville girl's story


July 2007

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