Archive for July 3, 2007

happy early 4th!

i’m going away to daytona beach for the 4th! i hope everyone else has a great day off too!

July 3, 2007 at 8:38 pm Leave a comment

does size matter?

thanks for this jax! i think it’s funny!

July 3, 2007 at 6:53 pm Leave a comment

5 Must-Try Sex Experiences in Gainesville

i recently ran across this article about ‘5 Must-Try Outdoor Sex Experiences’ and it made me think about gainesville. possibly b/c i have had a lot of outdoors sex in gainesville and possibly b/c (as i have previously mentioned) fucking outside the box is absolutely 100% endorsed by naked on university avenue. so here you go – 5 Must-Try Sex Experiences in Gainesville

5. the hot tub at the polos. it’s open. it’s free. it’s easy to get in. i know at least 5 people who have done it there already (which may actually be a reason not to, but, we’ll forgive that and say I just sets the mood nicely)

4. the bathroom of your favorite bar. this will most likely be disgusting and difficult to pull off, but no college experience is complete without at least one absolutely ridiculous hookup. plus, it will be a gem of a story and always get you drunk during ‘never have i ever’ games.

3. the dock at paynes prairie. is there really a better way to commune with nature?

2. the top floor of marstson library behind the stacks. not only will you have a nice view of most of campus but it will provide a whole new meaning to the term ‘study break’

1. the center of the 50 yard line of the football field. don’t get jealous, but i have done this – twice. here’s my advice: i found that only one gate is open late at night, it’s the one right on the ne corner of north-south (gale lemerand) and stadium road (my first try i actually walked around the perimeter of the entire stadium searching for a way in). they keep the gate open to actually get onto the field so just keep on walking down. i recommend some liquid courage also because there are often students making out in upper levels of the place and while some of us are not shy about this typa thing, i would guess the majority of us are. also wear something you don’t care about getting messed up. the sprinklers are also usually going around this time and while it created an interesting ambiance it also left me water logged. basically a football field romp is the pinnacle of g-ville sex stories and your friend’s will be really, really jealous. I promise! 😉

July 3, 2007 at 6:36 pm 1 comment

naked on university avenue:

a gainesville girl's story


July 2007

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